Kohn School Office Building

2019-2020 7th Grade Elective Class Catalog Information

6th grade students and their parents will receive a 7th Grade Electives Catalog during March Parent Conferences.  Each middle school will offer campus events during the school day that highlight elective classes. Students will receive applications for Electives that have prerequisites, auditions or an enrollment process at these events. We refer to those types of Electives as “Selective Electives.”  Applications will also be available at 6th grade students’ current school office.  All applications for Selective Electives must be turned in to 6th grade teachers no later than March 29, 2019.  Students will be contacted by the Selective Elective teacher if an interview is needed. For more information please contact the following people:


Alpine Vista - Angela Bettencourt - [email protected]

Cherry Ave. - Sherie Altermatt - [email protected]

Live Oak - Julie Reed - [email protected]

Los Tules - Christy Bonds - [email protected]

Mulcahy - Darcie Garcia - [email protected]